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Seven Things You Need To Know Before Conducting Your Next HOA Reserve Study

One of the primary business duties of Home Owners Associations is maintaining and preserving property values of the Association’s common property. To do this properly, Home Owners Associations must develop funding plans for future repair or replacement of major common area components. An HOA reserve study is a budget planning tool that identifies the current status of the reserve fund and establishes a stable and equitable funding plan to offset the anticipated future major common-area expenditures.

Criterium-Hardy Engineers - HOA Home Owners Associations Reserve Study and Transition Study Experts!

1. All HOA Reserve Study preparers are not equal.

There are a number of ways to evaluate the qualifications of the person or firm whom you are going to retain to perform your study. Key factors when making your decision should include the following: knowledge and experience of the provider, ability to understand the clients’ needs, local expertise and availability, quality control and accountability, and professional education. A key to evaluating this qualification is to have this portion of the work performed under the direction of a licensed Professional Engineer (PE), as the license confirms that the person has been trained and educated in performing this type of evaluation.

2. All Reserve Studies are not equal.

Until just a few years ago, most reserve studies included a list of all of the components, their replace­ment cost, and remaining useful life in order to determine what the next years funding should be. After many years of discussion and development by the Reserves Committee of the Community Associations Institute, it was agreed by the leading Providers from across the United States that all Reserve Studies should include not only this “Physical Analysis” but also a comprehensive “Financial Analysis”. This is now the stan­dard. The physical analysis is important because it deter­mines the existing condition and actual expected life of the common elements. The financial analysis focuses on the planning and budgeting of replacing these common ele­ments, and includes a cash flow projection of the reserve fund over a 20-year period.

3. Full Funding of a HOA Reserve Study may mean that you are over funded.

There are a number of different “Funding Goals” which are recommended for use as the basis for your Association’s future reserve fund planning. “Baseline Funding” is when the cash flow projection reaches $0 at some time over the projection period. “Component Full Funding” is based on keeping every indi­vidual component within the Study 100% funded. In most instances, this will result in a significant amount of funds, which are never used during the cash flow projection pe­riod. “Threshold Funding” is when the amount in the fund during the cash flow projection period is based upon keep­ing a minimum balance within the fund. “Statutory Funding” is based upon the establishment of the amount to be funded as dictated by the local state requirements.

HOA Reserve Study Funding

4. The Replacement Costs included within a HOA Reserve Study should consider replacement alternatives, not just replacement with the exact same component or system.

In many instances the original component, which is being replaced, either is no longer available or has be­come outdated since it was first installed. By making rec­ommendations for alternatives to the initial installation, the Association may be able to install a replacement compo­nent or system with a significantly longer life, such as a new type of roofing system, or a component or system which is much more energy efficient such as a new HVAC system. In both cases, this will result in either a reduction in the recommended contributions to the Reserve Fund or a reduction in your energy costs.

5. The Reserve Study can be used for much more than just estimating the Association’s contributions to the Reserve Fund.

The Reserve Study cash flow analysis can also determine how the Association’s Reserve Funds can be invested. They give the Association the ability to plan for the actual replacements, therefore making it easier to negotiate more effectively with contractors. An investment plan can be established to maximize the return on these funds based upon when they will be needed.

6. The HOA Reserve Study will not be the only funding the Association will need for the upkeep of the common elements.

The Reserve Study is only for the major repair or replacement of the common and limited common elements that are the Association’s responsibility. A reserve fund is intended to cover non-annual maintenance, repair and capital improvement costs. If the proper maintenance is not performed, it can result in a significant loss of useful life for the reserve components.

7. The actual cost of performing the replacement work, when it occurs, may vary from the costs included within the study.

In preparing the reserve study, the replacement costs that are used are based upon both industry estimating standards as well as the actual cost of similar projects that have been performed. Actual costs at the time work is done are influenced by many variables, and in order to keep the  replacement costs as well as the anticipated useful lives current, the Reserve Study should be updated (including a site visit) on a regular basis.

Learn more about the Reserve Study.

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Spring Into A Building Maintenance Schedule

With Winter drawing to a close, your residents are eager to replace their snow shovels with tennis rackets – it’s time to think about building maintenance! Now is the time to implement an ongoing building maintenance plan that will save your association time and money for many seasons to come.

View your association as a complete network with many important pieces working together, and ensure that each system is functioning properly.  Here are 10 building maintenance tips your community can do now to keep your association in spring-ready shape:Spring Into A Building Maintenance Schedule for Your HOA

Drainage pathways. Clearing out your drains on a regular basis will ensure they are free of debris when spring rolls around. Spring months are notorious for high quantities of rain no matter where you live!  Avoid the potential of blocked drainage systems by habitually cleaning them every other month.

Gutter and downspout repairs. Cleaning gutters is never an easy task but it’s a necessary one with spring rainfall! Try reaching into the gutter with a pair of large tongs to dig out leaves; placing a garden hose and turning on the water full-blast also works (but watch out below!).  If the gutters are dry, and the roofs are walkable, leaf blowers make fast work of any debris in the gutters.

While you’re on the ladder, inspect all spikes, straps, and clips to ensure that they are securely fastened.

Close the foundation vent covers until summer. In the Midwest and Southern states, foundation vent covers are often left open during the summer months to allow for ventilation and airflow. However, in the winter and spring, the vent covers should be closed to prevent the warm inside air from leaking out. Closing your vent covers during the winter will save on energy and heating costs.

If you have a basement, check your sump pump regularly to ensure its operation throughout the rainy season. Water run off can create an overload of moisture that your sump pump may not be able to handle. Perform monthly inspections of the pump by opening the sump pit’s cover to clear any debris out of the bottom of the pit.

Replace snow stakes. It’s a common mistake to replace the snow stakes only once a year, usually at the beginning of winter. The stakes can be the first thing to be damaged after a heavy snowfall, particularly if the payloader knocks it over!

Do not remove snow from roof. Snow removal can be the cause of more damage than the actual snowfall itself. Most buildings are designed to handle snow, and it is very rare that even a large storm will dump enough snow to cause damage that will seriously harm your homes’ roofs. Let the snow melt naturally with Spring’s rain and warmer temperatures.

Landscaping plans. For associations in more temperate climates, the landscaping can often take a hit during the cooler months. Recover quickly by bringing in your local specialist and discussing the various shrubs and flowers that will need to be planted in spring.

Sendout paint bids for summer work. The major advantage to getting your bid requests out early is the extra time and accessibility your vendors are likely to have. Outside work requests often drop during cold weather, and getting a head start will ensure your association is at the top of their list during the summer rush!

Security enhancements. Now is the ideal time for associations to make the security enhancements they’ve been thinking about all winter. Security fencing and an alarm system are two timely projects for the post-winter months.

Replace smoke detector batteries. The batteries in all smoke and carbon monoxide detectors should be changed at least twice a year. The changing seasons are the perfect reminder to replace all batteries throughout the association.

Many maintenance projects have a double bonus – they will improve the appearance of your association while preventing costly repairs or replacements down the road. By undertaking some maintenance tasks now, you can lessen the costs that many associations rack up in the rush to recover from winter.

From the HOA Leader site, here’s a HOA Maintenance Checklist.   Criterium-Hardy provides comprehensive HOA services, contact us to find out how we can help!

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What Are Reserve Studies & How To Select A Provider?

“Assessment increases and stronger reserve funds will be needed to repair aging properties” was the number one prediction of experts surveyed by Common Ground, the magazine of the Community Associations Institute.

The most important element of credible reserve studies is valid component data.

Recent legislation in several states also emphasizes properly funded reserves and cites reserve studies as a necessary procedure in estimating funding requirements.

Capital Reserves are for projected repairs and replacements. Items such as regular periodic (non-annual) repairs (e.g., painting), irregular periodic repairs (e.g., deck surfacing), foreseeable failure, catastrophic failure, and outdated design/aesthetics may be included in a Capital Reserve budget.

Scope of Services

The standard, or full reserve study consists of five elements. The Component Inventory is the task of selecting and quantifying Reserve Components. Condition Assessment is the task of evaluating the current condition of the components. Life and Valuation Estimating establishes the Useful Life, Remaining Useful Life, and Repair or Replacement Cost estimates for the Reserve Components. Fund Status is determined by projecting the current and future funding of the Capital Reserve Account against current and future repair and maintenance requirements. The Funding Plan is intended to create options for achieving the desired funding levels to offset anticipated expenditures.

It is critical at the outset of any project to clearly define the scope of services. Annual maintenance items are typically excluded from a reserve study. The minimum scope of service may also be defined by statutory regulation.

Standards of Reserve Studies

In 1998, the Community Associations Institute adopted National Reserve Study Standards. The standards define three levels of service (a full reserve study as defined above, an update, and an update without an on-site visit), definitions of various terms, and the contents of the report. The standards also create the professional designation Reserve Specialist. The designation is awarded by CAI to individuals with the appropriate background, experience, and references, following a review of their work by the Reserve Specialist Designation Board.

State Legislation

Prompted by foreclosures and mismanaged properties, a number of states have already passed legislation governing the management of Common Interest Realty Associations (CIRAs). Among those that have passed legislation are Alaska, California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Texas, and the District of Columbia. Some states address reserve studies broadly. Others are more specific.

For example, the California Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act states in part: At least once every three years the board of directors shall cause a study of the reserve account requirements of the common interest development to be conducted if the current replacement value of the major components which the association is obliged to repair, restore, replace or maintain is equal to or greater than one-half of the gross budget of the association for any fiscal year.

Florida statutes are even more specific. These accounts shall include, but are not limited to, roof replacement, building painting, and pavement resurfacing, regardless of the amount of deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost, and for any other item for which the deferred maintenance expense or replacement cost exceeds $10,000. The amount to be reserved shall be computed by means of a formula which is based upon estimated life and estimated replacement cost or deferred maintenance expense of each reserve item.

How to Select a Reserve Study Consultant

The most important element of a credible reserve study is valid component data. Inaccurate cost information, improper assessment of the condition of each component, and failure to examine ways of maintaining components to prolong their useful life can lead to underfunding or, almost as problematic, overfunding of the reserve account.

Reserve studies are a professional opinion. The value of that opinion is directly related to the knowledge and expertise of the person rendering it. Always ask the consultant for references and a statement of experience and qualifications. Even this may not tell the whole story, however. Here are some other factors to consider.

  • Is the consultant locally based? Materials and their performance will vary according to regional preference and climate.
  • Does the consultant thoroughly understand building systems? Databases work only for typical systems and components, not actual ones.
  • Does the consultant have the ability to diagnose problems, design repairs, and oversee construction? A reserve study also includes an evaluation of defective components and systems in need of immediate repair.
  • Will the consultant be available for questions and follow up? Often, there is a need to explain the findings to the board or individual members.
  • Does the financial model have credibility? The model and format should be prepared by someone with an accounting background and comply with the guidelines of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

The Engineering Advisor is intended to enhance your knowledge of technical issues relating to buildings. For additional information on any subject, please feel free to call us. Our commitment is to provide you with timely, accurate information.

Contact us to discuss learn more about our HOA Reserve Study services.

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